Sunnyside Elementary
Sunnyside Elementary is a 4,740 SM replacement school that was designed to accommodate Kindergarten to Grade 7 in both regular programming and Montessori programming. This school is an example of innovative and creative thinking; taking the Ministry of Education’s prescribed areas and reassembling them into a collection of spaces that excite and intrigue the users. The challenge was how to integrate different age groups and program requirements under one roof. The result was placing all shared spaces – Library, Gymnasium, Community Rooms and Multipurpose Rooms – in the middle of the school, highly visible and accessible to all. Sunnyside Elementary has been designed to target LEED® Gold certification and was delivered by Grant + Sinclair Architects Ltd., a wholly-owned entity of Omicron. Key personnel who designed this project are currently with GA Studio.
Size: 4,740 sm
Status: Completed 2013
Location: Surrey